Sunday, 28 December 2014

♡ Boxing Day Sales Haul ♡


This Boxing Day I decided to rummage around the shops in my local high street to see if I could pick up any discounts, due to only having a few shops to actually look around, I kept to New Look, Waterstones and Peacocks, the only shops that take my fancy. Considering I only took twenty minutes to look around, as well as the fact I had to get to work also, I picked up quite a few things for really good prices. It wasn't as busy as I intended and I was surprised to see the town so empty especially with all the sales. 

Here is my collective haul from the various shops (minus a black dress that I have already worn which is in the wash and the items I purchased as presents to be given throughout the year).

I went to New Look first, stumbling across a few items both in the sale and the new lines. I picked up this adorable outfit, the Tartan Box Shirt in a Size 10 as that was the smallest size they had, discounted to only £7 which instantly drew me to it. I then went back to the shop later and picked up this A-Line Black Skirt with Gold Zip Detailing in a Size 6 for only £9, it is so comfy and is now a staple item in my wardrobe. 

Tartan Box Top - £7.00

A-Line Skirt with Zips - £9.00

Carrying on with the New Look sale, I then found a Over-sized Grey Tee for £5, but it only had it in a Size 14.. so it is extremely over-sized but nevertheless still ridiculously comfortable. I paired it with a tartan skirt from Peacocks which was in the sales for £8 but due to my staff discount, I also got another 20% off, which resulted in it only costing me £6.40. The skirt is high-waisted, whilst still falling just above my knees, the only issue being that the waist is slightly too big but that is easily fixed with a belt.

Over-sized Grey Tee - £5.00

Tartan Skirt - £6.40                                                                        Ankle Boots - £22.00

Along with the tartan skirt, from Peacocks I also purchased a Monochrome Tweed Jacket for £12.00 (£9.60 with my staff discount), which I have loved ever since I first saw it, so it was only natural for me to purchase it, especially for this price and although they were not in the sale, I got some ankle boots for £22.00 (£17.60 with staff discount), which is still an incredible price for a decent, well built pair of boots.

I love the jacket as it pulls together any outfit and it great for both casual and smart looks. The pattern is so popular at the minute and the monochromatic colour allows it to be worn with anything, within reason of course, proving its vast versatility for its little price. I chose a size 8 for a more fitted look instead of the size bigger as I felt this was more structured so a larger size would have looked out of proportion. 

Monochrome Blazer- £12.00

Finally, I took one last trip to New Look, this time looking at the non sale items, looking for a comfy throw on jumper/sweatshirt for college. I soon found a simple black slogan sweatshirt for only £13.50 (with my student discount) which I fell in love with as it was perfect for lazy days and just days when I'm not sure what to wear. I got this in a Size 10 for a more over-sized, relaxed and comfy look. 

Black Slogan Sweatshirt- £14.99

That is the end of my Boxing Day Haul but I hope you like some of the things I have purchased and I'll be sure to let you know on my instagram @hanahdelevingne how I get on with these items! If you have any suggestions of posts you would like me to do then let me know in the comments. 

Thank you!


Saturday, 27 December 2014

A Fresh Start

Hello strangers!

So after leaving this blog abandoned for two years, I have decided to reinvent it and give it a brand new look and style. For those who have stayed loyal and still view and follow this blog.. I do not understand why as reading through the old posts and the contents of them are just incredibly embarrassing but hilarious. I would like to use this blog to express my love for fashion and photography, whilst also showing various aspects of my lifestyle, especially now that I am in college. I would love to share my style and the odd bit of help, much like before only much better and without those delightful photos. 

I hope to build up an effective fashion an style blog to share my passion with those who share similar interests. I should hopefully stick to my word and shall try to post regularly.

Thank you!

Hannah ♡