Sunday, 11 January 2015

♡ Review: Yves Saint Laurent Shocking Mascara ♡

♡ Yves Saint Laurent Shocking Mascara

After seeing so many reviews and positive responses to YSL mascaras, I decided that it was time to treat myself. I have been after a new mascara and recently I haven't been impressed by anything that the high street brands are offering so the answer was to look elsewhere. 

Due to living in a smaller town, our high street doesn't have much to offer, luckily with Norwich just a train ride away I was able to have a look around the shops to find what I was after. After an unsuccessful visit to MAC, as it was far too busy for me to even be able to look around, I went to House of Fraser. At first, I came across the Urban Decay counter, their Naked Palettes being another makeup item I was wondering whether or not to buy. I am personally not that into eye-shadow, although I use the MAC Paint Pot in Soft Ochre everyday, I'm not one to experiment so spending that much on something I might not even use helped with my decision of not buying it. 
Once I had a quick look around the other counters, I went straight for the YSL counter, knowing I had a clear idea of what I wanted to buy. Luckily, and to my surprise, the wonderful and lovely Lucy from LucyandLydia worked at the counter and helped me make the right choice. 

I ended up purchasing the Shocking Mascara due to Lucy's high recommendation and its voluminous and thick results. It was £24.50 which is obviously rather expensive for a mascara, but it is honestly worth every penny. As soon as I applied this to my eyelashes I felt a dramatic difference as they felt thicker, healthier and became noticeably different. I am so pleased that I purchased this as I have had so many more compliments and comments towards the fullness and length of my eyelashes. As well as it being an amazing product, the classic golden packaging is also another highlight. Along with the other YSL products, it offers beauty and elegance before the product itself is even seen, setting a remarkable standard for itself as well as presenting the brand and product with a high quality. I paired this with the Yves Saint Laurent Le Teint Touche Éclat Foundationthat Lucy kindly gave me some samples of, another product that I am extremely impressed with. This will most definitely be a product I am sure I will repurchase as my lashes haven't felt this healthy for a long time. This product most definitely justifies its price tag and would be suitable for all lengths and styles of lashes.

I hope this review helps any unsure minds with regards to this incredible product and if you would like me to do a review of the Yves Saint Laurent Le Teint Touche Éclat Foundation or any other products then just let me know. 

Thank you!

Hannah ♡